
Giro Alpino 2024 – Day 9 – Casper WY to Denver CO

323 miles

Casper to Denver

Today was my last day of the trip and I was ready to get home. Even with that, I preferred to use the back roads rather than the head straight down the interstate. The day got off to a slow start. At the hotel, I ordered a breakfast sandwich. Twenty minutes later, a breakfast burrito showed up. I decided to just go with it.

Medicine Bow must have been a far more important town than it is today

My route was south through Medicine Bow to Laramie. The countryside was typical Wyoming, open range, antelope, wind and windmills. The first “big” town I hit was Medicine Bow population 284. Standing in the middle of the town is the impressive Virginian Hotel. Once upon a time, it was the biggest hotel between Denver and Salt Lake City.

Medicine Bow’s Museum

The only building of notice was the museum across the street with a Caboose in the yard. F

From Medicine Bow, I went on to Laramie where I picked up highway 287. I followed 287 into Fort Collins and grabbed a coffee and scone close to the university. My plan was to continued down 287 into the Denver metro. After a while, in the heat of the day and many traffic lights and roundabouts, I bolted for interstate at Loveland. From there it was heads down all the way home.

Back from the Giro Alpino and ready to unpack

I made it home about 3pm with just one mishap along the way. I missed the local exit from the express lane and had to go up the highway a couple of exits. What is funny is that it was the one time Lisa tracked my location. When I walked in the door she asked me why I had gone to the Santa Fe exit which puzzled me for a minute.

One tenth of a mile short of 3333

My total mileage for the trip was 3332.9 miles, a little over 370 miles per day. I should have ridden up the street to roll it over for an even 3333. I was too tired and ready to clean up.

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